In 1962, he was invited to teach in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, and Singapore; rater he taught in Bangkok, Thailand. Master Kai Ying Tung is held in great respect everywhere he has taught, due to his indefatigable earnestness in giving instruction. His students throughout Asia number in the thousands.

In 1969, Master Kai Ying Tung went to Hawaii to teach. Subsequently, in 1971, he moved to Los Angeles where he established Kai Ying Tung's Academy of T'ai Chi Ch'uan, where any willing and sincere student may receive instruction in this traditional Chinese martial art.

In China, the Tung style of T'ai Chi Ch'uan is well known and has become popular throughout Asia. Now, Master Kai Ying Tung is familiarizing trie Western world with the many benefits of T'ai Chi Ch'uan. He has also been going regulary to Europe to teach for more than 15 years now (France, Iatly, Denmark, Finland and Sweden)

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